Friday, April 27, 2012

Lesson #2 - BOS

Ok - here is the assignment for Lesson 2 - History of Grimores and Book of Shadows

I honestly have to admit that I struggled with this one.  I just don't feel that the reading nor the lesson flowed as well as the first.  I do understand that this is part of the history but honestly it just didn't flow for me.  I also do not like that there was at least 1 question in the assignment that had not been covered in the lesson at all and I had to go searching through various websites to find the answers.  Oh well, I just have always been one of those that if you want me to answer a question then you needed to provide me with the information.

1- Choose one of the Authors or magickal texts mentioned in the lesson, and do some research. Write a 250 word paper on your research IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You should cite any sources which you use. You can write about an author or text not mentioned in the lesson as long as it pertains to Occult History. Please also provide information on whether this book can be purchased today, where from and how much it costs.

A. E. Waite was born on October 2, 1857 in the United States. Although he was born in the United States, he was raised in England after his father’s death when his mother decided to move back to her home.  Even though his family did not have much money he was educated in a small private school until he was 13 and then went to study at St. Charles’ College. After finishing his education he went to work as a clerk and wrote verse in his spare time.  After the death of his sister, Frederika Waite he became interested in psychical research (1) as well as began studying the many branches of esotericism (2).

As Waite neared 30 he married Ada Lakeman and they had one daughter.  Some time after Ada’s death Waite married Mary Broadbent Schofield.  Waite spent most of his life in and around London.  He was an editor for the magazine The Unknown World and was connected to quite a few publishing houses.

In January 1891 Waite joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (3) after being introduced by E.W. Berridge.  In 1901 he became a Freemason (4) and entered the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (5).  Due to problems with in the Golden Dawn Waite left in 1914 and formed the Fellowship of the Rosary Cross (6).

Waite was an author and wrote many works on topics such as divination, esotericism, Rosicruciana, Freemasonry, and ceremonial magic; all of which were well received in the academic circles.  He also translated and reissued a number of important mystical and alchemical works including the Holy Grail.  Along with all of Waite’s other accomplishments he is best known for being the co-creator of the Rider - Waite Tarot Deck.  The Rider - Waite Tarot Deck was the first tarot deck to illistrate  all 72 cards fully as well as the 22 major arcana cards.

A. E. Waite died May 19, 1943.  He was buried in the churchyard at Bishopsbourne in Kent.

(1) study of mental phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception.
(2) an interest in items of special, rare, novel, or unusual quality / the holding of secret doctrines, the practice of limiting knowledge to a small group
(3) Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a magical order active in Great Britain where they practiced spiritual development.
(4) Freemason - a member of a fraternal organization that originated from obscure origins in the late 16th century
(5) Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was a Masonic esoteric Christian Order
(6) Fellowship of the Rosary Cross  was a Christian mystical organization that was based on A. E. Waite’s complicated ideas and interests.


2- Why were many of the texts and occult Grimoires written from a Christian perception?
I believe that they were written from a Christian perception because during the time that it became “popular” to write such books the majority of the population was Christian.  This was also another way for those of the Christian faith to try and flush out those that may not have joined the bandwagon of Christianity.  This was the way that Christians could encourage others to call and control spirits and then banish them in the name of Jesus Christ.

3 - Tell me in your own words why the Necronomicon is not Necromancy?
Necrononmcion is not Necromancy because Necromancy is the act of working with the spirits of the dead during divination and such where as those in Necrononmcion are fictional beings which have never been alive therefore cannot die nor have spirits.

4- How do you perceive Angels and Demons? Has reading the lesson changed your perceptions? If so, how?
I don’t know about others but personally I have a hard time believing in angels or demons.  I do not believe in Heaven nor Hell and because “Angels” and “Demons” are usually associated with those attributes I have a hard time believing that they are also real.  I do believe in spirits and that those spirits can be good or bad but I think that has a lot to do with the type of person that they were when they walked Earth.  When we walk Earth we make decisions that affect us in our afterlives.  If we have made choices that make us a good person then we walk in afterlife as good and so forth.  So honestly, no I do not feel that the lesson has changed how I perceive Angels & Demons.

5 - Explain in your own words how things become thoughtforms? What is a thoughtform? What makes it different from a real Being?
Things become thoughtforms through the creator’s intent and manifestation of them.  The creator has put so much thought and energy into their “creation” that although they do not have life pumping through them they are perceived as real.  A thoughtform is a manifestation of energy created by one or more that can be either positive or negative depending or the creator’s intent.  A thought form is different from a real being because all though some would argue that thoughtforms are “real” they are only ideas that have been created through energy.  For Example - the Devil is a thoughtform … because of the intent that has been put out in his creation everyone believes he is real however he does not have life pulsing through him, only energy.

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