Thursday, April 26, 2012

Educating Myself Further in Wicca

I have been Wicca for about 8 years now.  At the very beginning I had thrown myself into the learning and practicing my beliefs, but of course life got in my way and although my beliefs have not changed in the slightest I had allowed them to take a back seat to everything going on and raising children.  This week I had a revaluation that it was high time for me to get back to my roots and beliefs.  I have not been happy lately and I honestly believe that part of that is because I am not following my path currently.

With all that said I went back to a website that I belonged to a few years back where you can take "classes" about various things in Wicca.  It took me sometime to get to the correct website (they had obviously had some   differences of minds and merged and un-merged schools) but finally this morning I am in the right place and have once again began my studies.  I started with "Book of Shadows" and once approved am able to go into the website and pull up the lessons and complete the assignments.  I figured that I would also post my assignments here as I do them so that in a way I will be able to find them anytime and also share my knowledge  with others.

Here are the answers for Book of Shadows - Lesson 1 - What is a Book of Shadows? / Types of BOS / Journaling ... ...


1- In your own words, tell me what a Book of Shadows is? A Book of Shadows is literally a witches personal journal but so much more.
A Book of Shadows can contain anything that the witch feels is important to her / him.  It can contain (but is by no means limited to) … spells, correspondences, personal growth exercises, phases of the moon, sayings, poems, - really whatever feels right to the witch is ok to be in their Book of Shadows for it is just that - theirs.  A Book of Shadows is a witch’s Encyclopedia Set (their personal tool / reference) - where they can always go to find the answers that they may be in need of.

2- Do you have a Book of Shadows? If so what kind do you have? If not, what kind will you get? Choose a plain blank notepad just now if you do not have your BOS yet and begin in that.
Prior to starting this class, no I have not yet started a Book of Shadows but will definitely be working on that through out this course.  I do not like the idea of using a notebook - something that I can not really organize my thoughts and such and where if I make a mistake I must either scratch through it, rip out the page or who knows what else and be unhappy with the end project.  I have a scrapbook that I think will be perfect for my BOS.  I will be able to decorate the outside as well as the pages and can purchase the protectors to make sure the pages don’t get ruined.

3- Why should the Book of Shadows be handwritten?
A Book Of Shadows should be handwritten because it infuses the witch’s energy into the book as well as gives a touch of personality.  Although it is a good idea to have a back up on the computer, computers tend to have minds of their own and can crash for no reason and if your pages are just printed out pages it is rather impersonal.  No Book of Shadows should be like any other.

4- What makes the Book of Shadows so personal?
The witch herself makes a Book of Shadows personal.  A Book of Shadows is personal because it is the witch’s Encyclopedia. No two Book of Shadows should ever be alike because each witch is different in their path.  Another reason a Book of Shadows is personal is because it contains those things that that particular witch finds relevant.  For example I may want to reference a particular stone or animal in my BOS because of my connection to them but although another witch may have a connection with those exact things - our connections are completely different so therefore our pages will be different.

5- Why is it a good idea to keep journals along with a Book of Shadows?
A witch can keep a number of different journals each with its own purpose.  One reason it is good to keep a journal along with a Book of Shadows is because you are able to make quick notations about something that you want to include in your BOS but may not have the time to do the page in the BOS the way that you want them to look.  Plus keeping a journal is literally an extension of one’s BOS.

6- Would you buy a pre-made Book of Shadows, as in one that is pre printed and not handwritten by you? Why or why not?
No, I cannot imagine that I would purchase a pre-made BOS.  I agree that not only would it not have my personal energy running through it but also because the items that are contained in the BOS may not be things that I am connecting with at that time in my life.

7- Why is it a good idea to design your Book of Shadows in a way which it can be edited, altered or changed in the future?
It is a good idea to design your Book of Shadows so that it can be edited / changed because that shows that you are changing, growing and questioning what it right ann wrong for you during your life path.

8- Make a list of five things which you would like to include in your Book of Shadows and tell me why you would include them?
a.  A Cover Page - I would include this in the very beginning of the my BOS with a symbol that I find relevant / Book of Shadows & my name.  I just feel that this should be in the book.
b.  Wiccan Rede - I feel that this should be in any book of Shadows because it is the basis / bottom line of the Wicca / Witch path.
c.  Blessing / Protection for the BOS itself - I feel that this should be included to guard the BOS and its contents.  Although I have no problem if others look or touch I feel that it needs a bit of protection.  I do this for all of my journals as well.
d.  My dedication - Once I have dedicated myself to my path I feel that it is only appropriate to put this in there.  When a child is baptized the parents receive a certificate of such and to me a dedication is nearly the same thing.
e.  A picture of the Goddess along with some relevant quote, etc.  - I feel that this important to because of the strength of the goddess throughout my life and her purpose in my life.
f.  Of course as my BOS grows it will contain the moon phases, Sabbats & Esabbats, rituals, spells, and correspondence charts - for me these are things that will ever be changing / evolving as I change / evolve in my path.

9- Will you keep any journals? Why or why not? If yes which ones?
I actually do keep a journal and have for quite some time now.  I honestly have to say that my journal is a melting pot of literally of all of the journals that were mentioned in the lesson.  In my journal you will find my hopes, wishes, dreams that I remember, zentangles (a way for me to de-stress / meditate), accounts of the weather, my deepest secrets, the day in and day out happenings of my life and whatever else I am moved to put in there.

10- Find the information which relates to your choices in question 8, and either put them in your Book of Shadows or your notebook, writing in your own hand. Tell me about your experience.
I have completed the title page, the blessing page, the Wicca Rede Page and the page dedicated to the Goddess.  I definitely feel more connected to the Goddess than I have in some time.  I also feel a sense of accomplishment since this is something that I have wanted to “begin” for some time but just never sat down and started it.  I can not wait to continue to add pages to my BOS as I continue on my path / journey.

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