Friday, April 27, 2012

Lesson #3 - BOS

Ok - here is the assignment for Lesson 3 - Creating Your Own Book of Shadows.  I have to say that this assignment irritated me a bit only because I feel that it should of went along with Lesson 1.  When completing this assignment it just felt to me like this and the first lesson should have maybe been done together or this one first -something.

1- Make a list of ten "statements of belief" which you would like to incorporate into your Book of Shadows.
a) My path is Wicca - eccentric
b) I have an affinity for the Goddess but no particular one
c) Harm None
d) Walk Softly on the Earth
e) Knowledge is a important - we never cease to end our learning
f) I am important
g) Everything has a purpose in this time
h) I have strong Native American Ancestry and I need to tap into that and learn from my elders
i) My family is important to me and I am their teacher as much as their friend
j) Everyone comes into our lives for a reason or a season and we need to learn from that and accept it

2- How do you plan to compliment your Book of Shadows with Journals, if you are not using Journals, how will you record things which you might want to copy to the Book of Shadows?
I personally do not know if I will incorporate much from my journal.  (as stated in Assignment 1 I do keep a journal and it seems to be a melting pot of all the journals that were listed in that lesson).  I do make notes in my journals of drawings, things that interest me and websites and I will incorporate those into my BOS if those are things that I truly feel go with my path and what I am trying to put together.

3- Would you like your Book of Shadows to be passed down to your descendants? How would you create your Book so that your tradition can be carried on?
I would like my BOS passed down ot my children.  I do know that as a Wiccan it is my responsibility to not only show my children my path but others as well (even those that I do not agree with) and allow them to chose the path right for them when the time is right.  For me passing down my BOS is not necessarily so much about them learning from my path or trying to make it their own (they may choose to be Wiccan but may follow a different path than I do or may not necessarily agree with the things that are “right” for me) but it is more about them gaining a better understanding of who their mother was.  I feel that as a parent (and a child of a mom) our children never tend to understand us or know what makes us tick because they do not get to see that point but through journals and my BOS my children will be able to gain a better knowledge of the woman they call mom.  Plus if I am doing it right as a parent they should be making and have their own BOS which would be a record of their personal beliefs.

4- How would you like your Book of Shadows to be decorated? Have you chosen any themes or colours which you would like to use? What items will you use to decorate the Book?
I do think that my BOS will have a specific theme or be decorated in one exact way.  I am very eccentric in my path and believe that my BOS will demonstrate that as well.  I will not sit and “plan” out pages of my BOS but rather complete pages as I am moved using the specific items / decorations that I am moved to use when completing a specific page.

5- Have you thought about the cover of your Book? Have a look online and choose a symbol or design. Tell me what you have chosen and why?
Please see below #6 as I have put these 2 questions together as I feel they are closely related.

6- What is the Cover of your Book made from (or what kind o cover will your Book have) Are you able to design the Cover yourself? If so, how will you do this?
ANSWER FOR #5 & #6 - My BOS is an 8x8 scrapbook.  It is one that I had laying around the house and was drawn to when I began my BOS.  It is a strange green color (not quite green - not quite blue - not quite a mix of the two) and is a fabric cover.  Although I can not necessarily change the outside of my BOS I do plan to alter it by drawing on and adding embellishments.  I want to draw a symbol that has a strong meaning for me (which is also on my title page as well as tattooed on my wrist) … it is a basic pentacle with a trinity knot within it.  The pentacle is the symbol of my path (as a cross is for a Christian) and the trinity knot inside helps me to connect not only to the Maiden - Mother & Crone but also to Mind - Body & Spirit (both of which are meanings of the Trinity Knot).  As I said I will embellish it and such as I am moved to do so.

7- List ten things you will put into your Book of Shadows.
a) Title Page - Has BOS on it & my symbol as well as my name
b) Blessing Page - this is a generic blessing that I found and liked so I included it in my BOS - around the edges I drew swirls
c) Wiccan Rede - Full Version
d) Page Dedicated to the Goddess
e) Dedication once I have dedicated myself to the practice
f) Moon Phases
g) Tides
h) Hand Fasting Ritual once I have written and we have taken part in 2012
i) Information on Sabbats & Essabats as we celebrate them (including correspondences for them / appropriate food / menus / crafts / decorations / and anything else I feel needs to be recorded of them)
j) Elements
k) Correspondences
l) Prayers / Chants / Poems / Writings
m) Deities
n) Rituals and Spells that I have done
o) My Morals / Principals - one of the main reasons I consider myself eccentric because I do not follow one set of morals / principals completely but rather mix and match those that feel “right” to me
p) Tips that I have found interesting
q) List of what is in the book for reference
r) My totem animal
s) Astrological information
t) Personal astrological information (like charts and such that pertain to me)
u) List of books I have read and any information that I find relevant
v) Craft instructions
w) Divination I have Done
x) Quotes I find interesting
y) Sketches of the environment
z) Whatever else I come across and know that it has to be included in my BOS

8- Do you have a Patron or favourite Deity? Which one? Create a page for this Deity for your Book of Shadows. If you dont have any materials just now to create a page, sketch a plan of the page. Upload a photo of your page. If you do not have a Patron Deity yet, research and choose a Deity for this exercise. If you cannot get a picture uploaded, describe the page to me.
I do not have a specific patron or deity.  I honor the Goddess and all her many facets.  I actually have a page in my BOS already dedicated to the Goddess … … it is a page with multiple drawings of her and inside her body I have drawn items that I feel she represents in her many facets.  Along with the drawings there is a prayer to the Goddess.  Throughout my path if I am drawn to a specific patron or deity I will then do a page dedicated to them and add it to my BOS.

9- Where will you store your Book of Shadows?
Although I know that a BOS is to be kept private and only for my eyes I do not necessarily agree with that.  I guess that is why my BOS sits on my desk with my Life Journal.  I feel that if my kids pick it up and want to look through it they should be able to as well as if they are so inclined to draw a picture in it then it is meant to be in my BOS for a reason.  To me my BOS is similar to that of a Bible for a Christian and you do not hear them saying that they place their bible in a drawer covered with a silk cloth protected from the elements and their children.  A bible is out and well worn because of their beliefs - to me that is exactly what my BOS should repersent.

10- Suggest one thing which could be included in your Book of Shadows which was not listed in the lesson.
Moon Phases - I do not feel that this would fall under the category of Correspondences and is very important for the moon is a powerful force in my life.
Tides - again I do not feel that this falls in the category of Correspondences but can be very important when working in magick

Lesson #2 - BOS

Ok - here is the assignment for Lesson 2 - History of Grimores and Book of Shadows

I honestly have to admit that I struggled with this one.  I just don't feel that the reading nor the lesson flowed as well as the first.  I do understand that this is part of the history but honestly it just didn't flow for me.  I also do not like that there was at least 1 question in the assignment that had not been covered in the lesson at all and I had to go searching through various websites to find the answers.  Oh well, I just have always been one of those that if you want me to answer a question then you needed to provide me with the information.

1- Choose one of the Authors or magickal texts mentioned in the lesson, and do some research. Write a 250 word paper on your research IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You should cite any sources which you use. You can write about an author or text not mentioned in the lesson as long as it pertains to Occult History. Please also provide information on whether this book can be purchased today, where from and how much it costs.

A. E. Waite was born on October 2, 1857 in the United States. Although he was born in the United States, he was raised in England after his father’s death when his mother decided to move back to her home.  Even though his family did not have much money he was educated in a small private school until he was 13 and then went to study at St. Charles’ College. After finishing his education he went to work as a clerk and wrote verse in his spare time.  After the death of his sister, Frederika Waite he became interested in psychical research (1) as well as began studying the many branches of esotericism (2).

As Waite neared 30 he married Ada Lakeman and they had one daughter.  Some time after Ada’s death Waite married Mary Broadbent Schofield.  Waite spent most of his life in and around London.  He was an editor for the magazine The Unknown World and was connected to quite a few publishing houses.

In January 1891 Waite joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (3) after being introduced by E.W. Berridge.  In 1901 he became a Freemason (4) and entered the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (5).  Due to problems with in the Golden Dawn Waite left in 1914 and formed the Fellowship of the Rosary Cross (6).

Waite was an author and wrote many works on topics such as divination, esotericism, Rosicruciana, Freemasonry, and ceremonial magic; all of which were well received in the academic circles.  He also translated and reissued a number of important mystical and alchemical works including the Holy Grail.  Along with all of Waite’s other accomplishments he is best known for being the co-creator of the Rider - Waite Tarot Deck.  The Rider - Waite Tarot Deck was the first tarot deck to illistrate  all 72 cards fully as well as the 22 major arcana cards.

A. E. Waite died May 19, 1943.  He was buried in the churchyard at Bishopsbourne in Kent.

(1) study of mental phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception.
(2) an interest in items of special, rare, novel, or unusual quality / the holding of secret doctrines, the practice of limiting knowledge to a small group
(3) Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a magical order active in Great Britain where they practiced spiritual development.
(4) Freemason - a member of a fraternal organization that originated from obscure origins in the late 16th century
(5) Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was a Masonic esoteric Christian Order
(6) Fellowship of the Rosary Cross  was a Christian mystical organization that was based on A. E. Waite’s complicated ideas and interests.


2- Why were many of the texts and occult Grimoires written from a Christian perception?
I believe that they were written from a Christian perception because during the time that it became “popular” to write such books the majority of the population was Christian.  This was also another way for those of the Christian faith to try and flush out those that may not have joined the bandwagon of Christianity.  This was the way that Christians could encourage others to call and control spirits and then banish them in the name of Jesus Christ.

3 - Tell me in your own words why the Necronomicon is not Necromancy?
Necrononmcion is not Necromancy because Necromancy is the act of working with the spirits of the dead during divination and such where as those in Necrononmcion are fictional beings which have never been alive therefore cannot die nor have spirits.

4- How do you perceive Angels and Demons? Has reading the lesson changed your perceptions? If so, how?
I don’t know about others but personally I have a hard time believing in angels or demons.  I do not believe in Heaven nor Hell and because “Angels” and “Demons” are usually associated with those attributes I have a hard time believing that they are also real.  I do believe in spirits and that those spirits can be good or bad but I think that has a lot to do with the type of person that they were when they walked Earth.  When we walk Earth we make decisions that affect us in our afterlives.  If we have made choices that make us a good person then we walk in afterlife as good and so forth.  So honestly, no I do not feel that the lesson has changed how I perceive Angels & Demons.

5 - Explain in your own words how things become thoughtforms? What is a thoughtform? What makes it different from a real Being?
Things become thoughtforms through the creator’s intent and manifestation of them.  The creator has put so much thought and energy into their “creation” that although they do not have life pumping through them they are perceived as real.  A thoughtform is a manifestation of energy created by one or more that can be either positive or negative depending or the creator’s intent.  A thought form is different from a real being because all though some would argue that thoughtforms are “real” they are only ideas that have been created through energy.  For Example - the Devil is a thoughtform … because of the intent that has been put out in his creation everyone believes he is real however he does not have life pulsing through him, only energy.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Educating Myself Further in Wicca

I have been Wicca for about 8 years now.  At the very beginning I had thrown myself into the learning and practicing my beliefs, but of course life got in my way and although my beliefs have not changed in the slightest I had allowed them to take a back seat to everything going on and raising children.  This week I had a revaluation that it was high time for me to get back to my roots and beliefs.  I have not been happy lately and I honestly believe that part of that is because I am not following my path currently.

With all that said I went back to a website that I belonged to a few years back where you can take "classes" about various things in Wicca.  It took me sometime to get to the correct website (they had obviously had some   differences of minds and merged and un-merged schools) but finally this morning I am in the right place and have once again began my studies.  I started with "Book of Shadows" and once approved am able to go into the website and pull up the lessons and complete the assignments.  I figured that I would also post my assignments here as I do them so that in a way I will be able to find them anytime and also share my knowledge  with others.

Here are the answers for Book of Shadows - Lesson 1 - What is a Book of Shadows? / Types of BOS / Journaling ... ...


1- In your own words, tell me what a Book of Shadows is? A Book of Shadows is literally a witches personal journal but so much more.
A Book of Shadows can contain anything that the witch feels is important to her / him.  It can contain (but is by no means limited to) … spells, correspondences, personal growth exercises, phases of the moon, sayings, poems, - really whatever feels right to the witch is ok to be in their Book of Shadows for it is just that - theirs.  A Book of Shadows is a witch’s Encyclopedia Set (their personal tool / reference) - where they can always go to find the answers that they may be in need of.

2- Do you have a Book of Shadows? If so what kind do you have? If not, what kind will you get? Choose a plain blank notepad just now if you do not have your BOS yet and begin in that.
Prior to starting this class, no I have not yet started a Book of Shadows but will definitely be working on that through out this course.  I do not like the idea of using a notebook - something that I can not really organize my thoughts and such and where if I make a mistake I must either scratch through it, rip out the page or who knows what else and be unhappy with the end project.  I have a scrapbook that I think will be perfect for my BOS.  I will be able to decorate the outside as well as the pages and can purchase the protectors to make sure the pages don’t get ruined.

3- Why should the Book of Shadows be handwritten?
A Book Of Shadows should be handwritten because it infuses the witch’s energy into the book as well as gives a touch of personality.  Although it is a good idea to have a back up on the computer, computers tend to have minds of their own and can crash for no reason and if your pages are just printed out pages it is rather impersonal.  No Book of Shadows should be like any other.

4- What makes the Book of Shadows so personal?
The witch herself makes a Book of Shadows personal.  A Book of Shadows is personal because it is the witch’s Encyclopedia. No two Book of Shadows should ever be alike because each witch is different in their path.  Another reason a Book of Shadows is personal is because it contains those things that that particular witch finds relevant.  For example I may want to reference a particular stone or animal in my BOS because of my connection to them but although another witch may have a connection with those exact things - our connections are completely different so therefore our pages will be different.

5- Why is it a good idea to keep journals along with a Book of Shadows?
A witch can keep a number of different journals each with its own purpose.  One reason it is good to keep a journal along with a Book of Shadows is because you are able to make quick notations about something that you want to include in your BOS but may not have the time to do the page in the BOS the way that you want them to look.  Plus keeping a journal is literally an extension of one’s BOS.

6- Would you buy a pre-made Book of Shadows, as in one that is pre printed and not handwritten by you? Why or why not?
No, I cannot imagine that I would purchase a pre-made BOS.  I agree that not only would it not have my personal energy running through it but also because the items that are contained in the BOS may not be things that I am connecting with at that time in my life.

7- Why is it a good idea to design your Book of Shadows in a way which it can be edited, altered or changed in the future?
It is a good idea to design your Book of Shadows so that it can be edited / changed because that shows that you are changing, growing and questioning what it right ann wrong for you during your life path.

8- Make a list of five things which you would like to include in your Book of Shadows and tell me why you would include them?
a.  A Cover Page - I would include this in the very beginning of the my BOS with a symbol that I find relevant / Book of Shadows & my name.  I just feel that this should be in the book.
b.  Wiccan Rede - I feel that this should be in any book of Shadows because it is the basis / bottom line of the Wicca / Witch path.
c.  Blessing / Protection for the BOS itself - I feel that this should be included to guard the BOS and its contents.  Although I have no problem if others look or touch I feel that it needs a bit of protection.  I do this for all of my journals as well.
d.  My dedication - Once I have dedicated myself to my path I feel that it is only appropriate to put this in there.  When a child is baptized the parents receive a certificate of such and to me a dedication is nearly the same thing.
e.  A picture of the Goddess along with some relevant quote, etc.  - I feel that this important to because of the strength of the goddess throughout my life and her purpose in my life.
f.  Of course as my BOS grows it will contain the moon phases, Sabbats & Esabbats, rituals, spells, and correspondence charts - for me these are things that will ever be changing / evolving as I change / evolve in my path.

9- Will you keep any journals? Why or why not? If yes which ones?
I actually do keep a journal and have for quite some time now.  I honestly have to say that my journal is a melting pot of literally of all of the journals that were mentioned in the lesson.  In my journal you will find my hopes, wishes, dreams that I remember, zentangles (a way for me to de-stress / meditate), accounts of the weather, my deepest secrets, the day in and day out happenings of my life and whatever else I am moved to put in there.

10- Find the information which relates to your choices in question 8, and either put them in your Book of Shadows or your notebook, writing in your own hand. Tell me about your experience.
I have completed the title page, the blessing page, the Wicca Rede Page and the page dedicated to the Goddess.  I definitely feel more connected to the Goddess than I have in some time.  I also feel a sense of accomplishment since this is something that I have wanted to “begin” for some time but just never sat down and started it.  I can not wait to continue to add pages to my BOS as I continue on my path / journey.

50 Random Questions

Here are the answers to <3 50 Random Questions <3

1.  Are you wearing a hat? - definitely not wearing a hat.  I never wear a hat.  I have this issue with even the slightest bit of pressure on my head where I will get a violent headache.  It never fails - I put even a baseball hat on and within an hour I cannot stand it anymore.

2.  Bottled water: yes or no? - Yes!!!!! - when I drink water I definitely prefer to drink from bottled water than the tap.  I think tap water tends to have a weird flavor and can not ever seem to get it cold enough that I like it.  Now with all that said I rarely drink water it just isn't my drink of choice.

3.  Do you have a crush on someone right now? No unless you count my feelings for my husband.  I love him like there is no tomorrow.  He is the other half of my soul.

4.  What kind of laptop do you have? - I don't actually have what is considered to be a laptop but rather a notebook.  My notebook is an Acer Aspire one.  For the most part I do really like it and although I do not have everything that a laptop does we purchase the notebooks for the smaller size.  My son has some issues that he gets Occupational Therapy for at school and the keyboard size of our notebook is similar to the computers that he uses at school.

5.  Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil? - definitely pen - I don't care to write in pencil because first off it has to have a very sharp point in order for me to even use it and secondly I absolutely hate when you write with pencil and if you rest your hand on what you have already written and then it smears - yucky!!!!

6.  Who was the last text message in your phone from? - the last text was from my mom last evening.  We had been on the phone together and all of a sudden we were disconnected so she sent me a text letting me know that the problem was on her end and that her phone was dying.

7.  What’s your favorite season?  I definitely love the fall over any other season.  I love watching the leaves change.  It is like the world knows that it is preparing for a nice long nap and is taking all these precautions before that happens.  Plus I love the weather during the fall.  Those crisp mornings and evenings where you need a sweatshirt.  And my birthday falls in October so I have always enjoyed the activities around that time.

8.  Does your best friend have a boyfriend or girlfriend? No silly my best friend doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, he has a wife.

9.  Do you like them? Of course I like her - it is me.  My best friend is my husband.  He is the one person other than my mother that I feel comfortable talking to about anything and everything.  When we fell in love 15 years ago our wedding invitations even commented that today we were marrying our best friends.  He is the one person that although may piss me off occasionally, he never lets me down and is always there for me no matter how crazy I am being.

10. Favorite radio station? - I do not have a favorite radio station.  I rarely listen to the radio in the house because it is so difficult to get a radio station in the house and in the car the hubby and kids fight enough over what we are going to listen to so I just listen to whatever it is they have decided on.

11. Type your name into Google. What’s the first link that pops up?   -  ok - I went to that website and I have to say that I do not like that.  I have issues with my private information being there for anyone to see.  Thankfully it does not have my address sitting right there (you have to be a premium member to get that) but it has how long I have lived in Salisbury - where I lived previously - the high school and year that I graduated and then it also has a section that lists some of my classmates.  I just do not care for that and it really rubs met he wrong way.  My god - really it is no ones damn business to find out that much information about me if I do not want them to know.

12. What’s your favorite song at the moment? - I don't really have a  favorite song at the moment.  I love all varieties of music and rarely listen to just one track / cd over and over.  I am more of the type of person that plays a cd based on what I am feeling.  If I am anxious then I like to listen to instrumental; cleaning then I want to listen to dance; lovey mood then I want to listen to r&b or country.  Like I said I listen to a huge variety and just depends on what I am in the mood for.

13. Coke or Pepsi? - definitely Coke ... I can drink Pepsi if we are somewhere that only serves Pepsi products but given a choice I will always choice Coke over anything else.  I drink Coke during the day like most people drink water.  It is crazy but hey I grew up in a Coke house so I learned not only to drink it but to prefer it.

14. Favorite subject in school? -  I always loved Math & Science.  Those two subjects not only appealed to me but I always did well in them as well.  

15. Last concert? - I have never been to a concert.  I love music but think the prices of tickets is outrageous and just have never been so inclined to spend that kind of money to go see a band play.

16. Next concert? - None planned in the near future. (See #15 for more explanation)

17. Last magazine you bought? - Sage Woman - it is a Wiccan / Pagan based magazine that usually has a number of different articles about nature and gods/goddesses and festivals that are going on.  It costs almost $10 but only comes out a few times a year and it so definitely worth the money for everything that it has in there.

18. Last book you read? - "Wanted Undead or Alive" by Kerrelyn Sparks ... ... it is the 12th book in the series and is about Vampires who are the "good" ones (they do not drink from live donors but rather from the invention of senthetic blood) and they are warring with the "bad" ones (those that drink from people).  Each book continues the story line and includes the romance of another Vampire or Were-Creature that is destined to be with someone that is not normal.

19. Do you prefer cats or dogs? I actually love both dogs and cats.  We have 2 dogs - Star (a 2 year old Lab / Chow mix) & Jackson (a 2 year old Lab / Ariedelle Terrier Mix) and we have 4 cats ranging in age of 6 months to 17 years old.  I love cats for the fact that they are so intuitive and always seem to know when you are upset or not feeling well & will curl up and cuddle with you until the end of time.  Then dogs grab my heart because they are so playful and keep you active.  Plus there is the perk that they will protect me no matter what.  Star is my companion during the day and the moment my hubby gets home she is all his.  She is a great dog and loves to curl up with us and just cuddle up while we watch TV or what have you.  Jackson is quite hyper due to being a terrier mix so he is constantly on the go.

20. Is there someone you want to punch right now? - no there is no one that I would want to punch right now.  I actually tend to not be very physical nor want to cause harm to others.

21. Favorite sports team? - I don't watch sports - I never really got into sports when I was growing up and although hubby is a sports fanatic and watches it constantly I normally am doing something else when he is watching sports.  I am usually cleaning or if I am in the same room then I am reading or writing.

22. State you most want to visit? - I would love to visit all the states, that is actually one of those things on my bucket list.  I want to visit every state with my kids and show them the cool things about that state.  I honestly do not know if I could chose just one state to want to visit more than the others.  For example I want to go to Hawaii and walk on the beach and spend time with the locals.  I want to go to Maine because when I was a child my grandfather would go up there and live off the wilderness for a month at a time.  I want to take the kids to West Virginia and show them the mountains.  I want to go to New York and watch the ball drop on New Years Eve.  I want to go to Oregon to visit my uncle and his family.  I want to go to New Jersey and see the differences.  I want to go to Pennsylvania and have my children experience the life of the Amish.  I want to go to Tennessee and just take in the beauty of it all.  See I do not think that I can chose just one state because there is something in every state that draws me to it.

23. Are you a MySpace addict? - nope not at all ... I have not been on MySpace since I joined Facebook.

24. When do you shower? - It depends on my day - sometimes I want a shower as soon as I get up so that I am ready for the day.  But there are other times that I want a shower before going to bed because I have spent the entire day cleaning and am sore and just want to relax and be comfortable.

25. What’s your dream job? - I have my dream job - I am a stay at home mom and am responsible for raising 2 children in today's world.  I take that job very very seriously.  I am not only very active in my children's life but I also want to know their friends and what is going on  and that is my top priority but I also want them to be able to come to me and talk to me about anything that is troubling them.

26. What kind of car do you drive? I actually do not drive but our family vehicle is a Pontiac Montana MiniVan

27. What word in the dictionary best describes you? - eccentric

28. What’s your blog address? - I used to have a blog but have not been on that in so long ... ... I am going to have to go search for that - hang on a minute while I go see if I can find the link ... ... ... hopefully this link will work for my blog ... guess since I found the link I really need to start blogging again. LOL  

29. Worst TV show at the moment? - I cannot stand the Adult themed Cartoons.  I feel that cartoons should always be meant for children and that those that are meant for adults are just stupid.  I do not get them and absolutely hate when the hubby has them on the tv.

30. Are you a better talker or better listener? - I can be both depending on the situation.  I have a number of friends that come to me when they are having problems because I will listen intently to them while they are hashing out whatever is bothering them but then once they are done I will offer suggestions and ways to improve whatever problem they have.

31. Do you care about who wins the election? - honestly no I do not - I mean I will vote but I don't really care who wins.  The majority of the people will chose and that is how is has been for what seems like ever.  Sure there is a candidate that I would prefer to win but I wont be overly upset if that doesn't happen.

32. Who was the most popular kid in your 7th grade class? - LOL I have absolutely no idea - that was like 20+ years ago for me.  I remember there being a group of popular kids but not particularly one kid more so than the others.

33. you afraid of ghosts? - no there is nothing to be afraid of ... they are just souls that have unfinished business here on earth and once they have finished their business then they are able to move on

34. Is there something lacking in your life right now? - Romance - LOL ... my hubby and I have been together 15 years and he has never been a very romantic kind of guy but I try to get him to work on that regularly.  I am trying to get him to realize that if he wants to get in my pants more often then he needs to romance me.  And by romance I do not mean that he needs to go out and spend big money but that I want more of the little things ... notes, kisses, touches, etc.

35. What do you miss most about childhood? - the innocence of it - being a child is a special time and goes by way too quickly and then you are expected to grow up and have responsibilities.

36. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test? - Never took it

37. How many kids do you want? - only the 2 that I have ... I have a girl and a boy and for me that is plenty and definitely do not need any more.  Plus ifI would have more kids now there would be a 14 year difference between the oldest and the youngest and to me that is just crazy

38. Are you a good liar? - no not really.  Even when I want to lie about something and practice it over and over again I still seem to fumble over the lie ... now granit I am able to get them by people that do not really know me but anyone who knows me can spot a lie a mile away

39. Can you cook? - yeah I can cook.  I dont always like to but I definitely can.  

40. Are you a cheapskate? - I don't think I would consider my self a cheapskate but I do not waste money on things that are senseless or will break easily.

41. What would you do with a million dollars? - I would first pay off all of our debt and then I would make sure that my mom was caught up in all of her bills if not ahead and then we would go on a fabulous vacation before putting the rest in the bank for rainy days and our children's college

42. Have you been to Disney World? - NO but I definitely want to go there and am hoping that we will be able to go there next year in celebration of our anniversary

43. How much time do you spend online a week? - I really have no idea .. .. some days I am on just a very short amount of time (literally just to check my email) and then other days I can be on there for hours because I wanted to research something and will keep at it until I feel like I have exhausted all outlets or have a understanding of the material.

44. Last time you went bowling? - about 2 years ago when we were visiting my dad and the kids had expressed an interest in going so all of us went to a black light bowling event

45. Hot or cold weather? - NEITHER!!!!!  I much prefer those times of year that are comfortable where you can be outside in a pair of shorts or capris and a tank top with out sweating your rear end off.  Plus the advantage of those times is that you need neither air conditioning or heat turned on inside the house.

46. How many pairs of shoes do you have? I have absolutely no idea how many pairs of shoes I own.  I love shoes and purchase them quite often - especially if they are extremely comfortable.  I have sneakers, flip flops, uggs, boots, healed sandals and the list goes on and on

47. Are you a shop-a-holic? - not really - I enjoy swapping but I also enjoy being home just as much as I do shopping

48. Where were you yesterday morning at 10:30? - at home on my couch with the kids watching TV

49. Are you afraid of the dentist? - OMG - YES!!!!!  I am terrified of the dentist and let me tell you how hard it is to be terrified of the dentist and have to be the one that goes back with the kids when they go in for cleanings and other work to be done.  When I have to go to the dentist I always have to have my earphones for the MP3 player plugged in and all the way up plus I usually have a pen that I am clicking the entire time.  I probably drive my dentist completely crazy but it is the only way that I am able to even be there.  And the whole time that I am in the waiting area I am doing deep breathing exercises and trying to get through the panic / anxiety attacks.

50. Do you have a website? if so what is it? - no website for me so no address to give to you :0(

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I am back

Wow - I cannot believe that I have not made any entry in nearly 18 months.  Life got the best of me I guess.  I joined a  group to get to know others.  It is 50 Random Questions that are to be answered and then emailed to the other members.  Well, one of the questions was if we had a blog and if so what was the address.  I actually had to go hunting for the website because I could not remember it.  After I found the website and filled it in the questionarie I figured that I better start blogging again.  I know that there are not many entries here to begin with but I enjoyed the process of getting my thoughts out on paper.

Until Another Entry,
Blessed Be,