Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Blogging!

Well, although I am only 29 I have never gotten into writing my own blog ... ... I read others but never have had my own. I decided that I needed to have my own and get word out there about my life and things that go on as well as things I find.

I hope that you find this somewhat interesting and if not, OH WELL!!!!! It will be no skin off my back. LOL


  1. I hope you'll come back to blogging. You have a niche for writing.
    Plus, there are quite a few swaps that encourage others to follow. Writing is so carthic for me, so I hope it will be for you as well.

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment - I do need to get back to writing - I lost it there for a while with the overwhelmingness of LIFE. :0)
