Friday, August 20, 2010

Bewitcheddaughter 365 Letter Project

Ok, so yesterday I joined a new group on SWAP*BOT ~ Creative Mailings (or something like that). In one of the discussion forums there was a list of sites to help us with our "creative mail". The very first link that I clicked on was this blog about a 365 Letter Project. It was about how the author had a reavlation that no one seems to write letters the old fashioned way anymore with pen and paper, therefore no one is receiving them. So the author decided that for an entire year they were going to write a letter to (hopefully) someone different in their life. Maybe to their spouce one day, their children another, friends that they had lost contact with through the years, famiy that they rarely got to see anymore and whomever else they chose to write to.

After reading the blog it got me thinking that this would be something wonderful for me to give a try. I am always writing letters to someone but never on such a scheduled basis.

Throughout the years I have always been compared to my Nanny because like her I always have a pad of paper and pen at my side whether it is to write down things that I need to remember at the grocery store or to write a letter to someoone I hold dear. And like her I have always enjoyed writing letters to friends and family far away or near just to say hello and see how things are going for them.

So the Bewitcheddaughter 365 Letter Project has begun. I wrote my first letter yesterday to my girlfriend. She used to live next to gram and pap then moved after her divorce but was still in the area. After falling in love and marrying again she moved to VA and we now only get to see each other about 4 times a year if we are lucky - of course we communicate through email and Facebook through out the year but I figured it would be nice for her to get a letter in the mail from me. She is always on the go and never slows down so maybe receiving a letter in the mail from me will not only brighten her day but help her to slow down adn enjoy the flowers. :0) The content wasn't anything extrodinary but just letting her know that it was good to see her and the chaos of life in MD.

Of course there will be days that I will probably regret beginning this project (you know the days where I feel that I have been pulled in every direction possible and am ready to just crash) but I hope that this will not only strenghthen the bonds between my family, friends and myself but will help to brighten their days when they receive a bit of "HAPPY MAIL" from me.

Please know that if you are reading my blog and by chance are one of the lucky ones that receives a letter from me in the next 365 days - YOU ARE NOT JUST A PART OF A PROJECT but ARE SOMEONE I LOVE AND WISH YOU A SMILE. :0) Again, I hope that this will only strenghthen our bond - plus we all know that emails just get trashed sooner or later but a real paper letter we can take out and reread whenever we are having a crummy day to remind us that there is someone that loves us.

Today's letter was a quick note to a dear friend that I met a few years back in a swapping group. When the swapping group folded we still kept in contact through email and the occassional letter. As life has gotten a bit busier we don't keep in touch as faithfully but maybe today's letter will change that. :0)

Well, really need to go get something done other than playing around on the computer or writing about life. LOL

Until another day ... ... ... the life & bemusings of bewitcheddaughter79 is TO BE CONT.


  1. Tabitha!! It's Shanea Wyatt...Please email me at dearly want to write you a letter and tell you I have enjoyed your letters and I have not forgotten about you. I miss our correspondence deeply. I cant find a letter with your address please email me so I can get one in the mail for you...miss you!!

  2. OMG - I will definitely email you in the am - I was just checking in here before I head to bed. There is a letter headed your way today (if you address is the same) but I will definitely email you. I, too have missed our regular correspondence and have wondered what ever happened. (((((HUGS)))))

  3. I just wanted to post that a little update here ... ... I failed miserably on this project - I honestly do not even remember how far I had made it into the project. I must say though that since I am back to blogging and have been reading over my blog today I am wondering if I should maybe give it a try again. It would be interesting to see if I do hang with it this time around or allow myself to be distracted by life and let the ball drop again.
