Well, the first day of the 2010 - 2011 school year is over. The kids got up pretty easily this morning. Once up, they got showered, dressed and ate breakfast before watching TV. I was really impressed with how easy the morning went. (I should of known that meant trouble for tonight).
Mom arrived (after calling to let us know she was on her way) to take CP to school. The game plan was she would take her to school - drop her off and return to my house. Well, once CP was away from mommy she had a mini melt down about not knowing anyone, not knowing where her locker was and whatever else goes through the minds of newbie 6th graders. So, mom arrives at the middle school, parks and walks CP into school. She did not stay long - CP recovered quickly from her little break down as soon as she saw that there really were not that many parents standing around.
Before returning to my house mom has some excitement to her morning - her tire is flat. She does not know much on that level so she went to pap's work and talked to him. they went over to Wawa to put air in the tire but that air pump was on the blitz so over to Expert Tire they went. Finally got air in her tire - not sure why it went flat but was told to keep an eye on it. She got pap back to work and then back to Wawa for cappacino before coming back to my house.
She gets to my house and TD is raring to go to school and we keep trying to get him to settle down - there was like a half hour before it was time to take him. We talk and enough time has finally passed that we load TD up and head over to the elementary school. There really was no excitement there - we walked TD to his class and got him settled - talked to a few of the teachers (they are all like family since this is my 8th year in the same school) then to the nurses' office to check on one of TD's medication forms. The doctor wrote it to be administered once - twice daily rather than as needed. We caught this last Friday but the doctors had not yet corrected it. I called the doctor's office and raised cain - supposedly they planned on printing out what they filled out, fixing it and faxing it over to the nurse in the am - I will see if that is what happened when I get in there in the morning to sign it.
Mom brings me back home and I call my girlfiriend and ask her "Do you hear that?" - ok I was being a smart ass but the silence was really nice. She knew exactly what I was talking about. Ended up running to Wal-Mart with her and then came home and had some lunch. after lunch I admit that I did absolutley nothing but play on the computer and watch TV. I figure that after having the kids for the last 60 plus days I deserved to do absolutely nothing for at least a day (maybe more if the family continues to piss me off - have they not realized what happens to the house and laundry when mom goes on strike?????)
The time finally comes for CP to get home - my gf picked her up since she was picking up her daughter and step daughter. She gets home and I start asking her about her day while we head out the door to go get TD (figured that we should pick him up since sissy got a ride home). He was happy to see me and I think his teacher was too. LOL
We get home and I try to get TD started on his homework - that was an absolute nightmare - he did not want to do it and agured the entire time. I admit that I lost my temper and screamed & yelled more than I should have but I was at the end of my homework rope. I felt like crap for acting like that but do not know what else to do. (You got a suggestion - please put it in the comments - I am open to anything helpful). While trying to get TD to work on his homework I am trying to read through (and fill out & sign) the bazillion papers that CP brought home. At some point I even lose it with her because it seemed like she had not paid a bit of attention to the teachers and extraa supplies requests. All the time that this drama is going on hubby is sitting there making snide comments on doing NOTHING. At one point he says something and although I did not think I answered in a bitchy manner I guess I must have because he snaps at me that he was just trying to be interested and this is why he doesn't know anything about school and the kids ... ... blah ... ... blah. I was so pissed that I was crying and had to go upstairs. Now my only comment to him not knowing anything about the kids school's is that he doesn't listen to me when I try to tell him about something or he is more interested in the game or whatever else shit is on the TV. UGH!!!!!
So, long story short ... ... the first day of school is over and I only hope that tomorrow evening goes a hell of a lot smoother - especially since I also have cheer practice in the evening and cannot continue to deal with this level of stress.
Blessed Be